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The best books of all time to read should find their place in everyone’s library.
Many believe that reading them is also work on knowledge of general culture, and knowledge of the world’s top literary classics can certainly contribute to eloquence, but also education in many fields, such as knowledge of history, psychology or simply – the character of different people.
Let’s not even start with how books, especially the best ones, help us to escape, at least for a short time, into all the luxuries of our imagination and imagination.
Some psychologists compare reading books to meditation – it is so beneficial for psychological health!
If you are looking for books to read, you will like the list we have prepared. We have selected the best books of all time so that everyone can find at least a few classics on our list that are to their liking.
Best of all, you can buy each of these books in bookstores in Belgrade and bookstores in Novi Sad within BIG shopping centers across the country. Here we unite the most popular bookstores in one place! Find out which of the best books to read for you in the following paragraphs.
The best books of all time – world literary classics that you will not be able to miss
So let’s start. Here is a list of 15 classics that should “pass through everyone’s hands”.
Ulysses, James Joyce
This novel by the Irish writer James Joyce (considered by many critics to be one of the best writers of all time) was published in December 1920. Since then, there has been almost no list of the best books of all time without including him on the list. This world literary classic will never leave you indifferent. The specificity of the book and what attracts many is that the whole plot takes place in just one day – June 16, 1904.
We will tickle your imagination with the main plot of the novel – we follow the experiences of Mr. Bulm when many call him the Odyssey of the 20th century. Find out what she is going through in this day, in a novel that has been written for more than a decade, when you get it.
In BIG shopping centers you will find Vulkan in Novi Sad, Vulkan in Belgrade, but also in other cities. Ulysses James Joyce is waiting for you here!
Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes
Miguel de Cervantes is one of the greatest literary pride of Spain, but this work is not only a Spanish but a world literary miracle!
The plot follows the experiences of two characters: Don Quixote and his faithful companion Sancho Panza and their famous fight with windmills. This two-volume masterpiece from the 17th century adorns the library of every fan of the world’s greatest classics. So many metaphors came from this book, and we use them in everyday life, that reading Don Quixote is a matter of general culture.
The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald’s third novel was his greatest success.
In this part, the American writer presents the tragic story of Gatsby, who lived during the golden age of jazz in New York. Gatsby is a millionaire, and his love for Daisy is his only concern. The Great Gatsby is one of the best books to read for all genders and generations, and it is one of those world literary classics that you will not be able to miss!
The Great Gatsby is one of those books that is talked about, so you can get it at the Laguna bookstore in Belgrade, Laguna in Novi Sad, and other bookstores in BIG centers.
War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy
If you are interested in what Russian society looked like in Napoleon’s time, but also why Tolstoy is among the best literary virtuosos of all time – War and Peace is the book for you!
In the novel, we follow the lives of three main characters: Prince Andrei Bokonsky, who leaves his family to fight in the war against France, Pierre Bezukhov, the illegitimate son of a village prince, and Natasha Rostova, a beautiful girl whom Tolstoy presents as the perfect woman.
This classic is a real example of Russian literature, so start with it, as well as other Tolstoy’s and literary works by Dostoevsky and Pushkin, if you want to gain insight into the most excellent works of Russian literature.

Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert
Flaubert was an extremely influential French novelist, who led the spread of the direction of literal realism in France. It is believed that his style was most influenced by Honore de Balzac, as well as Voltaire.
Madame Bovary is among the most significant, and certainly the most famous work of Flaubert. The main role, Ms. Bovary, in the novel is in an unhappy marriage with a village doctor, who does not fulfill her. Secretly, she dreams of a life filled with passion and luxury.
The boring provincial environment forces her to escape into the imaginative world of sentimental novels. He later finds his consolation in adultery and spending money, but he soon begins to feel the consequences.
You will find out how Madame Bovary’s novel ended and why it is considered a masterpiece of realism, as well as still a current critique of the individual and society when you read this world literary classic!
A Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri
You must have heard of 9 Circles of Hell?
Well, they came from the famous Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, a famous Italian writer, poet, and philosopher.
Dante’s divine comedy consists of three parts – hell, community center, and heaven. In its entirety, the book tells us about the search of the human soul for peace, happiness, and tranquility – the ultimate enlightenment.
Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov
Lolita’s theme is love between a mature man and a girl.
We know – it’s still taboo today!
However, Nabokov manages to convey to us, in a very readable way, what is allowed and what is forbidden, and why something should be, and something should not be accepted.
The attractive and provocative theme of the novel is not the only recommendation of Lolita for everyone’s library. This world literary classic is filled with top literary styles. The list of the best books to read would not be complete without Lolita!
The Karamazov brothers, Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Karamazov brothers are rightly on almost every list where the best books of all time are listed. This is a major work of a Russian classic and is an exceptional philosophical novel that re-examines Christian ethics, rivalry, morality, and alienation.
This literary classic, in its essence, has an eternal struggle between good and evil.
The novel The Brothers Karamazov was originally published in 1979 in Russian and has over 800 pages. In schools in Serbia, it is part of the compulsory reading within the classes of Serbian language and literature.
Hurricane Heights, Emily Bronte
Due to the context in which they wrote, women writers from history mostly reserved their words for love, private topics. The hurricane heights of the talented Emily Bronte are a perfect example of what was once known as “women’s literature”.
Hurricane Heights is, in the opinion of all renowned literary critics, one of the most beautiful love stories of all time. In addition, this work is a true English classic, and the work is an excellent representation of the Victorian era and art.
Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy
On many lists of the best books of all time, Anna Karenina is placed in the first place, or at least in the TOP 10. You have probably already read her as part of reading at school?
If you haven’t – be sure to do so.
We will not reveal too much to you, we allow you to experience it completely for yourself.
Kill the mockingbird, Harper Lee
The critique of class and racial divisions in American society is perfectly conceived between the two covers of the novel Kill the Mockingbird.
Lawyer Atticus Finch, one of the main characters in the book, surpassed the work itself and became a universal symbol of justice. Harper Lee is an exceptional writer, and her work Kill the Mockingbird is certainly the crown of her literary work.
The Independent’s critique of Killing a Mockingbird about the novel says succinctly: A book not to be forgotten.
1984, George Orwell
Still current and contemporary, the 1949 novel is the cradle of expressions and concepts like “Big Brother”. In essence, for everything repressive and totalitarian, the term “Orwellian” is used today, thanks to this classic of world literature.
The story follows Winston Smith, who lives in a gloomy futuristic everyday life and clashes with the brutal order of his country. Today, many critics say that thanks to technology – we live in 1984. Along with The Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451, 1984 is a novel that represents the most famous work of dystopia or anti-utopia. Be sure to read it!
The Trial, Franz Kafka
Absurd events, depersonalized individuals, disturbing the world… Kafka manages to present all this as completely normal and ordinary. The whole work is accompanied by Joseph K, who gets involved in the invisible network of the process and the incomprehensible court that initiated it.
Kafka’s biographer, Raner Stach, said that the Process is: creepy in its entirety, but comical in detail.
There are more interpretations of Kafka’s dark teachings he gives us in the Process, and each reader will be able to find a unique point of view by reading Kafka. The same goes for the Castle.
The process, as well as other best books to read, can be purchased at Vulkan bookstores in BIG shopping malls.
Stranger, Albert Camus
What do you get when you combine Nietzsche’s nihilism, Sartre’s existentialism, and Camille’s absurdity?
Stranger – a philosophical novel that you must read.
It belongs to the period of late modernism, where the main theme was the depiction of meaningless and absurd life and human alienation. If you ever ask yourself: “Why all this?”, Or it occurs to you that: “Life is just a series of unpredictable coincidences” – then Camus philosophy will be very close to you, as well as the book The Stranger, in which he tries to figure out how one should accept his helplessness in life.
The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien
Any fan of epic fiction will probably place this book at the top of the list of the best books of all time. This trilogy is read in the breath, and many books are considered more exceptional than movies, and you know how good movies are!
Buy a trilogy as a gift for yourself or a loved one and you will not regret it!

The best children’s books of all time – world literary classics for reading to the youngest
The best books for children to read are especially important. With them, our children grow, learn and develop imagination.
Did you know that books help children develop feelings of empathy and get to know their own and other people’s characters much better than before? In addition, they develop creativity.
If you want to make books even more fun for children, be sure to get markets in interesting colors, as well as stickers! You can do that in Kengur Bookstore in Belgrade, as well as in Kengur in Novi Sad, in BIG centers! With them, reading becomes more fun!
Here are the best children’s books of all time to read to the youngest.
Alice in Wonderland, Louis Carroll
Alice in Wonderland is among the most adapted and elaborate stories of all time.
In it, the girl Alice falls into a rabbit hole and steps through the mirror into worlds where everything is possible and where even consciousness is completely transformed! You can grow mushrooms from here, and you can shrink from drinks. In Wonderland – anything is possible.
Although many critics today consider Alice in Wonderland a book for children, that’s a book for adults, this classic can be read by children from an early age. It has a phenomenal effect on the development of their imagination!
Alice was first published in 1866 and has been one of the most popular children’s books for more than a century. You will easily find this literary classic in bookstores in BIG shopping malls!
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain
Tom Sawyer’s experiences in the lead role have a character of the same name.
The plot revolves around his adventurous nature and prominent intelligence, to which he owes the most varied adventures that he experiences throughout the plot. For Tom Sawyer, nothing is impossible!
The preaching of the novel is linear, it follows one flow all the time, which makes the novel easy to follow and understand even at the youngest age. Inspirational Tom Sawyer will surely quickly become one of the favorite literary characters of the youngest in your family!
Winnie the Pooh, Alexander A. Mill
Winnie the Pooh bear is experiencing great adventures, which will entertain every little one while reading this great book. Winnie the Pooh loves honey the most, writing songs, as well as his friend Christopher Robin.
Winnie the Pooh books have been translated into almost all languages of the world and have sold over 10 million copies!
Did you know that Winnie the Pooh surpassed even Mickey Mouse in popularity?
Discover why this book is always on the lists of the best children’s books of all time and get it in bookstores in BIG centers throughout Serbia!
The Diary of Anne Frank
A book that is for a little older, school-age children. This is the original diary of Anne Frank, a girl who lived in a secret shelter when Germany occupied the Netherlands in World War II.
An instructive and moving story about a tragically interrupted childhood will surely leave a strong impression on a child. Due to the authenticity of the context in which it is created, it is one of the best books of all time, and it is also recommended for adults who have not read it at a young age.
The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The Little Prince is a famous novel by the French pilot and writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The story was published in 1943, while Antoine was living in the United States. This book is one of the best-selling and most translated ever!
“Adults are really weird,” the Little Prince remarks several times in the novel.
Introduce this masterpiece of children’s literature to your child, you will be grateful!
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, J.K. Rowling
First a book, then a movie. For the imagination to develop, and the characters to imagine themselves before they are screened.
Harry Potter belongs to the fantasy genre and follows the wizard Harry and his best friends, Hermione and Ron, on their way to practicing magical skills and fighting the evil wizard whose name we will not mention.
Harry Potter books have been among the world’s bestsellers for years, and they always have a place when making a top list of books. The children rate them as favorites, so they have won the award for the best children’s books in the world several times!
P.S. It’s never too late for Harry Potter. You will like it no matter how old you are. This book is often ranked among the best reading books for adults!
Did you count?
How many books from the list have you already read, and which ones attract you to include them in your library today? Stop by the nearest BIG and sail into the realm of literary classics!