
Cineplexx Kragujevac

Cineplexx is the most modern cinema in the region, with a total of 8 halls and a capacity of 1300 seats. In addition to the fantastic 4K projectors, everything is digitized and equipped with Real D 3D technology. Cineplexx is the first cinema with the latest Barco laser projectors. Comfortable, specially designed VIP seats, love seats will make your stay pleasant.

Contact info

Working hours: 15-23h, Vikendom: 11-23h

Contact info

Working hours: 15-23h, Vikendom: 11-23h

Special Offers

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  • TC8-mart-formati-sajt_big-kg-880x542-1-380x235

    Neka snaga bude tvoj stil!

    Popust u iznosu od 30% na određene artikle iz PLOOM asortimana u periodu od 06. do 10. Marta za Dan Žena. Damama slede i pokloni iznenađenja!

  • BIG-880x542-1-380x235

    Poklon pun ljubavi u BERIĆ-u!

    Danas slavimo snagu, lepotu i jedinstvenost svih dama! 💖 ✨ Izaberite savršen poklon za sebe ili dragu osobu uz ekskluzivne pogodnosti! ✨ Posetite nas i proslavite ovaj dan uz sjaj...

  • 880X542-sa-logotipom-BIG-a-380x235

    Gigatron rođendan ✨

    Povodom 22. rođendana, u Gigatronu vas očekuje veliki izbor artikala najpopularnijih brendova po sniženim cenama, kao i odlični grupni popusti! Čekamo vas!

Find out more

Cineplexx is an Austrian cinema group with over five decades of experience in movie field. Today, the Cineplexx network has 50 multiplexes and six traditional cinemas in Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Albania, Pristina, Greece, Romania and Italy, with more than 300 cinemas. Four more multiplexes are planned to open in the near future. With an estimated 1,500 employees and an annual revenue of around 130 million euros in 2018, Cineplexx cinemas host nearly 11 million viewers annually.
