
Jasmin Kragujevac

Jasmin perfumeries have been representing for over six decades a real beauty oasis. In our chain of stores which is considered for one of the oldest in Europe (more than 30 stores in Serbia and a few more in future), you can find cosmetics, perfumes, and make up made by luxury brands such as Chanel, Guerlain, Lancome, Dolce Gabbana, Shiseido,Sisley, Gucci, Versace, Hugo Boss, Armani, Givenchy, Paco Rabanne,Trussardi, Collistar, but also make up that you can buy by afordable prices like Artdeco, Pupa, Naj Oleari and many other, all in one place. Jasmin in its offer has also a gift cards so your love one can choose a perfect gift by itself.

Contact info

0/166 A
Working hours: 10-22h

Contact info

0/166 A
Working hours: 10-22h

Special Offers

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    Vulkan akcija: Beletristika upola cene

    Do 14. aprila u Vulkan knjižari možete iskoristiti sjajnu akciju: upola cene na odabranu Vulkanovu beletristiku! Na akciji možete pronaći knjige različitih žanrova. Pojedini naslovi na ovoj akciji: Moj brat...

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Find out more

Jasmin appreciates trust of it customers and very often organizes sales, discounts, free make up, promotions and other interesting events, but for the most loyal buyers there are special conveniences with Jasmin loyalty cards. Be informed about our assortment by our webpage, and for more information about promotions and conveniences in our magazine Jasmin or on Jasmin instagram profile or Facebook page.
