
Pandora Kragujevac

The fact is that every woman has her unforgettable moments that wants to keep, femininity and originality that wants to express and a personal story that wants to tell. That was enough to inspire creation of one of the most renowned jewellery brands that adorns all the woman around the world. Pandora is a brand of high quality, hand finished jewellery, which is sold at affordable prices. In addition to the most popular item, Pandora bracelets with charms, Pandora in its assortment has necklaces, chains, earrings, rings, different types of bracelets and charms in its assortment. Modern and feminine jewellery as a combination of traditional craftsmanship and modern technology has resulted in a distinctive design, which is exactly what makes Pandora jewellery unique in the world.

Founded in 1982. and headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, Pandora jewellery is sold in more than 100 countries, across 6 continents, in more than 7,000 shops, employing around 26,000 people worldwide.

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