
Umbrella Novi Sad

Umbrella Corporation LTD d.o.o. was founded in 2010 in Belgrade, Serbia. Today it operates in 4 countries of the region: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Montenegro. The number of Umbrella stores in the region is over 65 and this number is constantly growing due to the continuous development of business.

The philosophy of Umbrella’s business is based on the motive to provide the highest quality, most attractive, most current, and most innovative products at competitive market prices.

Umbrella – Global VAPE brands in one place.



Contact info

Prizemlje / S36
Working hours: 10h - 22h

Contact info

Prizemlje / S36
Working hours: 10h - 22h

Special Offers

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  • objava_za_big_880x542px-380x235


    Novi stil, nova energija i beskrajna razigranost – proleće donosi svežinu u vaš omiljeni shopping kutak! Kolekcija je inspirisana igrom, pokretom i bezbrižnom elegancijom. Klasični krojevi dobijaju modernu interpretaciju, a...

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    2 za 1: Vulkanova beletristika na akciji!

    📚 Započnite novu čitalačku avanturu sa odabranom Vulkanovom beletristikom koja je sada na posebnoj akciji u vašoj Vulkan knjižari! Odabrana izdanja beletristike sa ove akcije možete kupiti po principu 2...

Find out more

The company Umbrella has been working on the development of modern and high-quality electronics for more than a decade
a cigarette. Special attention was paid to each component, and the result is “Umbrella”, as the most famous and
the most reliable vape brand in the region and beyond. Our electrical engineers, IT experts and designers work hard on
device development, following world trends and technological innovations.

🗸Disposable – puffs, refillable POD systems, AIO kits, MOD devices…

The company Umbrella is the exclusive distributor of liquids:
Flavor Art, Italy – 16 years of presence on the world market, and more than a decade of investing in clinical trials
Ritchy Liqua, Czech Republic – well-known liquids with true tobacco and fruit flavors, made in EU
Umbrella lines: BASIC – PREMIUM – OLE – FRESH – NIC SALT, liquids produced according to special specifications
recipes from the highest quality ingredients of EU origin.

🗸The largest selection of aromas, options with and WITHOUT nicotine and packaging of 10 and 30 ml…
