
Walter Novi Sad

Looking for a place in Novi Sad, with the best Sarajevo ćevap (kebab)?… THEN WATCH BIG GUY, here it is!!!

Inspired by the idea that good things from the past should not be forgotten, but instead should become part of a living style, we have decided to connect everything that is related to some happier times. That’s how our story began, and we complete it every day.

In our restaurants we insist on high quality and we do not give up on good goals. Our offer includes dishes made of the highest quality beef, veal and chicken complemented by traditional oriental cakes.

We want to keep alive the story that should not be forgotten and that generations to came will take part in its preservation.

Contact info

Prvi sprat / FC3
Working hours: 10h - 22h

Contact info

Prvi sprat / FC3
Working hours: 10h - 22h

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