TOČAK SREĆE ZA SVE DAME I 8-9 mart I 12-15h!
Dame, pripremili smo vam posebno iznenađenje! 🎁 U periodu od 8. do 9. marta, od 12h do 15h, svaka kupovina u vrednosti preko 3.000 RSD u BIG Rakovica centru donosi...
In the period from February 11 to 13, great DISCOUNTS are waiting for you in the #BIGRAKOVICA center, because Valentine’s Day is approaching!
Although every day and month at BIG is dedicated to love, let’s spice up this February with the most beautiful feelings and choose the perfect gifts for your loved ones!
Enjoy shopping, discounts, and great fun!
Discount list you can see HERE.
WHEN: 11-13. February
WHERE: your favorite shopping destination #BIGRAKOVICA