
Forma Ideale Zrenjanin

Forma Ideale is a successful, transparent and highly efficient business system and a regional leader in the furniture industry of South East Europe. The company is based in Kragujevac; it employs over 1,700 people whose average age is 33 and over 600 employees participate in the production processes.

Contact info

Radno vreme: 10h - 22h

Contact info

Radno vreme: 10h - 22h

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  • 880x542-380x235

    Preko 100 igračaka na super akciji 😍

    😍 Preko 💯 igračaka sada ima super cene! ⏰ Akcija važi od 6. februara do 5. marta u Dexyco prodavnici u našem centru! 📲 Iskoristite ovu fantastičnu ponudu i obradujete...

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Furniture is designed and manufactured in Kragujevac and Majdanpek in the halls of the total area of ​​over 50,000 sqm. The production process is organized on the principle of serial production using modern production equipment, with constant monitoring of new world technologies in furniture production. Successful market orientation and stimulating commercial policy has enabled us to take the leading position in the region for several years now. The company exports 80% of its production range to 51 countries on 4 continents, and the retail network in Serbia has 37 showrooms, making it the market leader in Serbia.
