Telekom Serbia, the leader in the telecommunications area, the only company in Serbia which offers integrated assortment formed of all segments of informatively-communicational technologies: landline and mobile telephony, Internet, digital TV services and other multimedia. On their store in BIG SC you can find everything that you need so you can increase your world of communication.
😍 Preko 💯 igračaka sada ima super cene! ⏰ Akcija važi od 6. februara do 5. marta u Dexyco prodavnici u našem centru! 📲 Iskoristite ovu fantastičnu ponudu i obradujete...
Da, da, istina je! Planeta Sport u našem centru ti daje do 30% dodatnog popusta na sve već sniženo čak i do -60%, na drugi jeftiniji artikal! Požuri i zgrabi...