
Top Shop Zrenjanin

It was the morning of the 6th of June, 1996; for most a regular workday…
…but for those working for Studio Moderna at the time, it was the beginning of a story that surpassed all expectations and turned into one of the greatest stories of direct marketing ever told. It all started with a short TV commercial on a Slovenian television station Pop TV and an advertisement in a local newspaper for Contour pillows.

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Radno vreme: 10h - 22h

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Radno vreme: 10h - 22h

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  • 880x542-380x235

    Preko 100 igračaka na super akciji 😍

    😍 Preko 💯 igračaka sada ima super cene! ⏰ Akcija važi od 6. februara do 5. marta u Dexyco prodavnici u našem centru! 📲 Iskoristite ovu fantastičnu ponudu i obradujete...

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Over the years we’ve become famous for our unique products, be they everyday or unconventional, which have found their way into the homes of many Eastern Europeans. Some are still well remembered and often brought up when talking about infomercials.

The Story of Top Shop
With innovative, top-notch products we have become trendsetters for a better and healthier lifestyle.
• Our Dry Cooker has encouraged people to enjoy healthier meals with less fat, but with fuller flavour.
• Our Power Juicer contributed to the culture of drinking fresh, natural juices with its very simple juicing.
• Our H2O Steamer has shown people all over Europe that they don’t need dangerous chemicals to clean, and that steam can efficiently clean while not harming the environment.
• Lastly, but not leastly, our Boogie Fish has brought smiles to many faces 🙂
And this was just the beginning.
More than a thousand products, more than a million stories
As years passed, we have been working hard to bring many more exciting products to your TV screens.

Our products have found their way to a million different homes. We are very proud to say that we have brought over a thousand different products and that we’ve become one of the five biggest multi channel direct sale companies.
Today, Top Shop is a widely recognized brand known for its TV advertisements and unique products found nowhere else.

Top Shop Today – and Top Shop in the Future
In case you were wondering, our vision is to become a world class seller, which will be able to provide the best and most personalized shopping experience to millions, regardless of how and where they decide to buy from us.
After all, we’re here because of one reason only – to make great products available to a greater amount of people. This is what motivates us to get out of our beds in the morning and the reason we’ve been operating for almost 20 years.

We are hoping you will stick around and let us bring more joy to your life.
